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Orchard and vegetable garden

The orchard will exhibit fruit trees that constitute the typical orchard in the houses’ backyards of this countryside, such as plum trees, apple trees, Brazilian guava trees, orange trees, tangerine trees, chestnut trees, lemon trees, fig trees, among others.


Poultry House

This area of animal farming will work under a freedom system in an area built in wood that will serve as shelter to the chickens, turkeys and ducks, among others. These animals will be fed by natural products or derivatives thereof and, like the orchard and the garden, will include an educational feature to who visits the resort.


The Garden

The whole property is surrounded by gardens with lawns, punctuated with a mixture of ornamental plants, some of which endemics, including erica azorica, scrub, and typical flowerbeds of each season of the year.

